The most urgent questions and the most important responses

You will find here the responses to the most frequently asked questions. If this is not the case, we are happy to answer your question.
by phone on +41 31 318 54 13 by e-mail at info@biketowork.ch


How can I take part in bike to work?

bike to work is a campaign to promote health within companies. You can participate in bike to work as soon as your company is registered. To do this you create a personal profile, assign it to your company and then record your bike days regularly on the calendar.

How do I register a company?

First create a personal profile, then you can register your company. After registering you are on file as the coordinator for your company. If the company already exists, the respective coordinator must register it and subscribe for the current challenge

What does it mean to be a coordinator?

Before the campaign begins you provide information internally about your company's participation, invite your colleagues to inscribe in teams and motivate them for the challenge. As coordinator you have your own page on which you can register your company, update company data, create teams and export lists. You can also process each team and the calendar entries with the bike trips of all participants.

When will the next bike to work Challenge take place?

The bike to work Challenge takes place annually in May and June. You can register your company from mid-January for either May, June or both months.

Can I also register my company after the challenge has started?

Yes, you can still register your company for the current challenge at short notice.

How can I delete my account?

You can delete your account and all your data in your user profile. To do this, go to your profile, scroll down and click on ‘Delete account’.


When is the registration deadline for the participants?

If your company has registered for the challenge as from May, the registration deadline is 30 April. For companies that bike in June, the deadline is 31 May. However, we recommend you register one month before the challenge, so that you have enough time to form a team and prepare accordingly.

Why must I be part of a team?

The bike to work Challenge is not only about biking, but also about team spirit. Because taking up this challenge is much more fun as a group and enables you to exchange ideas with work colleagues. What’s more, the teams of 4 also participate in the draw for team prizes.

Can I choose the months in which I wish to participate?

Your company determines in which months you can participate in bike to work. May, June or both months. You can see under ‘Company‘ which months your firm is participating.

Is it also possible to form bigger teams?

Only teams of maximum four participants are accepted. You can also participate in teams of 2 or 3 or individually, but only teams of 4 will take part in the draw for team prizes.

How do I change my company?

You can't change your company yourself. Let us know your new employer via info@biketowork.ch and we make the change for you.

I am working from home, can I still participate?

Yes, your private bike rides on home office days count.

Can staff in a work site abroad also participate?

Yes, it’s possible. However, in this case when registering the company must indicate all persons working on participating sites to be able to calculate the participation fees.

Can a friend of a work colleague also take part?

No, only employees of a registered company can participate. In addition, all members of a team must work for the same employer.

Can I participate by foot?

Per team, one person can participate without using the bike, but still using the own physical strength, for example on foot, with Inline skates etc.

Is combined mobility possible?

Yes a combination with public transport or car is authorised. A part of the home-to work route must simply be covered by bike.

Can I patricipate with an e-bike?

Riding an e-bike is permitted.

Am I insured if I have an accident during the campaign?

Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. All employees in Switzerland are covered by an occupational accident insurance.


What do I enter in the calendar?

You enter in the calendar how you have travelled to work. After selecting the corresponding day you get via the pen symbol below right to the entry menu. You now have three options: TURQUOISE: You have travelled to work or made a trip during home office by bike, on foot or using your own muscle power. Then you enter the total kilometres covered in the appropriate field and confirm the entry with the green button «by bike». PINK: You have not used your bike but gone to work exclusively by public transport or motorised individual vehicle. In this case you select the red button «without bike». This also applies to home office days without any bike trip. GREY: You did not work (free day, vacation, illness or other absence). Then you click on the grey button «non-working day».

What happens if I don't make an entry?

If you have not made an entry on a day in the calendar, this is automatically filled out at the start of the next day. This creates a distinction between:
  • weekdays: automatically red «without bike»
  • Saturday/Sunday: automatically grey «non-working day»
However the automatic marking can be corrected subsequently by clicking on the corresponding day.

Can I enter non-working days in advance?

Yes, that's possible: select one or several future days and mark these grey as «non -working day». You can only enter turquoise or pink days on the same day or afterwards.

Can I enter kilometres in the calendar on non-working days?

No, on non-working days you must enter grey «non-working day».

Which kilometres count for my challenge and can be recorded in the calendar?

You can record the kilometres that you cover on your way to work and back. Detours on the evening ride from work to home via swimming pools or lookout points can be included in the count. If you are working in home office, you can add your private bike trips during home office days to the calendar.

How is the number of my bike days calculated in percentage in my calendar and company?

The sum of the green days is divided by the sum of the effective work days (green and red) multiplied by 100. This gives the number of bike days as a percentage. You can find this information on your personal status as well as on the company status.


With which devices is the app compatible?

The app is compatible with Android- or iOS phones. With Android the app requires Android version 5 or newer. With iOS it requires iOS 16.1 or newer and is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Why does the app track inaccurately on Android phones?

For your tracker to function precisely, the bike to work app must also run in the background. For this you must deactivate the optimisation of the battery consumption. In this way the battery use is increased only slightly.


What are the conditions for taking part in the prize draw?

If you use a bike for at least half of your personal work days, you automatically participate in the draw for individual prizes. All teams of 4 in which each team member has travelled to work at least 50% of the time also have the chance of winning team prizes.

By when must I record the bike days and kilometres?

You can record your bike days and kilometres at the latest 2nd July 2025, 11.59 pm. After that, no entries or changes are possible.

When will the winners be announced?

The winners will be announced on 8 July 2025 on social media, by e-mail and on the bike to work website. The prizes will be sent by post at the latest by mid-August.

How is the CO2 saving measured?

We do not calculate the saving but the equivalence. That means we look at how much CO2 would be produced if the bicycle kilometres were covered by a passenger car with 144g/km CO2 emissions.

Why is the ranking based on the number of work days and not the number of kilometres?

The aim of bike to work is to go to work as often as possible by bike. Through this Challenge we hope to encourage you to use your bike as a daily means of transport. The length of the trip is not important, the main thing is that you travel by bike.

How is my team's ranking calculated on the company page?

The ranking is generated in descending order according to the following criteria: 1. percentage, 2. days und 3. per kilometre. If a criterion is at the same level with two teams, the next criterion is decisive.

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