As a progressive company, you are committed to encouraging your staff to get around by bike. You have recognised that the bike is the first choice for healthy, ecological and energy-efficient mobility.
For cycling commuters, it's essential to have a bike that is correctly adjusted and complies with the current regulations.
The mobile bike workshop comes directly to your company on the cargo bike. All staff can have their bike serviced in line with a pre-defined scope. From a simple safety check to a comprehensive service, everything is possible.
Depending on the scope of the service, some 8 to15 bike services can be carried out per workday. For more bikes, Velo Vici comes in pairs. Here the cost distribution can be agreed individually: for example, the company can cover the service costs, while staff members covers the material costs themselves.
Costs (excl. material & journey):
CHF 500.- / half day
CHF 1000.- / day
For an offer, booking or other requests, contact directly
To the website of VeloVici